Monday, April 27, 2009


Here is the journal writing topic for this week.

T2 W6 Journal Writing : Kindness

Hi My Little Ones,
The Singapore Kindness Movement has designated April as the month of kindness. Well, we are coming to the end of April. What acts of kindness have you done? For this week, I would like you to reflect on 'kindness'. To get some ideas, you might want to visit the website of the Singapore Kindness Movement at :

Here are some questions to help you get your journal writing going:

1. What do you mean by 'kindness'?

2. Is it important for people to be kind? Why?

3. How can people show their kindness?

4. Could you describe an act of kindness which you have done?

5. How did you feel after doing that act of kindness?

6. What other act/s of kindness would you like to do either in school, at home or in the community?

7. How can you yourself promote the message of kindness to your friends?

I am looking forward to reading your reflection.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Composition Writing Tips

Hi My Little Ones, here's something for you to help you in revising your compositional writing.

These websites are from Radin Mas Pri Sch for sharing purpose only.

Please revise your work because your exam is just around the corner.

Thank you.

Five-Paragraph Essay Wizard --Information and writing prompts for the five-paragraph essay.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Susan Boyle: Something To Cheer You Up!

Hello My Little Ones!

I hope all of you have start revising for your exams by now. Here is a Beautiful Video Clip of Susan Boyle who has inspired millions of viewers around the world not because of her beauty but her TALENT..... I hope you'll be inspired to be like her too.

Good luck for your coming examinations.

Please click this link to view the video clip:

Take a break, listen to this......

Oral Exam Tips

Hi My Little Ones!

Here are some Oral Exams Tips For You To Follow......Remember Practise Makes Perfect

Section 1 > Reading Aloud

What the testers will be observing...
A way in which words are pronounced in reference to the correct manner
An ability to express fluently and coherently (in speech)
Ensure separate sounds and words are clear
Measure flow of words; well paced
Quick... easy... and flowing expression; not to fast and not too slow
Expressing words and phrases with quality intonation of voice
Ability to use appropriate pitch to convey ideas and feelings

Section 2 > Picture Discussion

What the testers will be observing...
Giving an introduction...
Good Morning, Teacher... (Not Good Morning 'Cher...)
This picture shows a... OR
This picture depicts a scene from a ...
... restaurant, a mall, a library, a canteen (etc)
Try to talk about the picture, from a sweeping glance from left to right
On my left... there are two cyclists cycling along the path...
Behind them... are two children on tricycles...
Proper use of prepositions follows on throughout the picture discussion

For example, beside the girl or above them or in between the trees (etc)
DO NOT point to the pictures.
ALWAYS USE present tense.
AVOID using "I see..."

Section 3 > Conversation

What the testers will be observing...
Ability to interact with the tester with personal responses to a given topic.
Almost (usually) the picture given will be similar to the one in Section 2
Not really so much of right or wrong context here but more to be able to handle a meaningful and nonchalant conversation with the tester on the picture given.

This is a picture of a clinic.
There are many patients waiting outside at the reception area.
I go to a clinic with my parents when I fall ill.
The doctor will check all his patients in the doctor's room.
... and so on

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Some tips on Oral Exams

Hi My Little Ones!!

I would like you to spend some time to explore some of these websites which may help you in your Oral examination. Please remember to read aloud while you are practising and remember to be fluent and talk confidently during the conversation. Good luck!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Earth Day: Shoe & Clothes Display

Hi My Smart Little Ones!

Did you like the shoes and clothes display in our class and outside the art room?

I was very happy that most of you did a wonderful job and were on task. I hope that all of you will take this opportunity to raise the awareness on the importance of Saving The Earth. Each one of us plays an important role in saving our environment. Great job P3.5.

What other ways can you do to save the environment? Please list down at least 3 ideas.

Thank you & happy blogging.

Monday, April 13, 2009

International Friendship Day

Why do we celebrate International Friendship Day?

Do you have any friend/s in the ASEAN countries? Tell us how you get to know him/her.

What activities do you think the school should organise to help pupils develop friendship with the ASEAN countries?

Thursday, April 9, 2009

My Personal Response No 3

1. Which aspect/s of the school do you like very much? Why?
I like my cafe..........................................

2. What do you think can be done to improve it/them?
I think we can improve the tables and chairs.............................

3. How can pupils help in the improvement of the school?
I would like to propose tjhat the school...............................................

Important Announcement

Dear class P3.5, I would like to remind to those pupils whose names are not listed on the list to immediately set up your email account and your blogs by 13th April 2009. If you have any problems with regards to setting up of your account please informed me via my blogpost or through my email. As I would not want you to be left out in this fun activity, you can also write your responses in your jotter book or an exercise book to response to my postings. As for the rest of the pupils, I am looking forward to read responses to the last two postings. Happy blogging!!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Improving My School

Hi everyone, I'm discussing with my brother, Idris, on how we can improve our beloved school to make it a better place for us to study and play. I'm looking forward to read your views on this INTERESTING topic!!!

So what are you waiting for? Blooooooggg now!

1. Which aspect/s of the school do you like very much? Why?

2. What do you think can be done to improve it/them?

3. How can pupils help in the improvement of the school?